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Dizzy's Tumblebus Policies

Registration Fee

We charge a one time $15 registration fee per student.


Monthly Tuition
Our monthly tuition rates are based on 4 classes per month. In the event that holidays only allow for 3 classes in a month, a makeup class will be scheduled or your tuition will be pro-rated accordingly. Tuition payments are handled differently depending upon your child’s school. If your child attends Goddard Redmond Ridge, Living Montessori, Our Beginning or WIS they will collect all payments and your Tumblebus tuition should be paid directly to the school. If your child attends any other school (referred to as Independent Schools below) we collect the payments, so your Tumblebus tuition should be paid directly to Dizzy’s Tumblebus. At our Independent Schools, all payments are due by the 1st or the 5th of the month (you choose the date). If your card is declined and we do not receive an updated credit card by the 2nd class, you will be billed a $5 late fee. A credit card is required for enrollment, no additional transaction fees are applied to Tumblebus tuition.


Our enrollment is always open, and you can sign up your child at any time. If your child would like to join mid-month, your tuition will be pro-rated accordingly. Once you enroll your child in the Dizzy’s Tumblebus program, your child will automatically be enrolled the following month unless you notify our office directly. This applies only to our Independent Schools. Please do not rely on your child’s teacher to notify us of dis-enrolling. If you choose to dis-enroll your child at any time, you are only responsible for the current month’s tuition. No long term commitment is required. Please do not think that not paying your tuition bill is the same as dis-enrolling from our program, as you will be billed the monthly tuition unless we are notified of any changes. Once the monthly tuition payment has been posted to your account, you are responsible for that payment. Should you wish to dis-enroll your child from the program, you must notify us before the next month’s billing cycle. Refunds and partial refunds are not offered for early mid-month dis-enrollment.


Class Cancellation and Make-up Policy for Inclement Weather
Dizzy’s Tumblebus cancels classes when the Bellevue School District closes for snowy/icy roads. We are unable to drive our bus on snowy roads because our bus acts much like a giant toboggan as all the weight has been removed from the back of the bus.


  • If your childcare center is within the Bellevue School District, we cancel classes and do not provide a make-up class. If your center is located within a different school district that is also closed, we cancel class and do not provide a make-up class.

  • If Bellevue School District is open and your school district is closed, we will evaluate each center individually to determine if we can safely travel to your school for classes.

  • If your childcare center is located on a main street that is clear and the parking lot is completely clear of snow and ice, we will still offer classes. If the parking lot, or approaching streets, are snowy, we cancel classes and do not provide a make-up class.

  • If your school district is open and our (Bellevue) district is closed, we cancel class and will provide a make-up class on the first day possible.

Class Cancellation and Make-up Policy for Mechanical Issues
Dizzy’s Tumblebus will make every effort to make-up classes that are cancelled due to mechanical issues or other unforeseen reason. In the event the class cannot be made-up, your child’s tuition will be pro-rated accordingly.


Missed Classes (Independent Schools Only)
We offer two credits for missed classes annually. You must notify our office prior to the missed class to receive a credit. Please do not rely on, or ask your childcare staff, to inform us of any absences. This remains the parents’ responsibility. Absence notifications can be e-mailed to, or by calling our office at 425.564.8287. The credit will be applied to the following month’s tuition bill.


Use of Photographs 
Photos take of students at Dizzy’s are occasionally used in marketing materials. Please rest-assured that your child’s name will never be used. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed by Dizzybus staff, please inform us by email at

Physical Address

5833 119th Ave SE

Bellevue, WA 98006

Contact Us

Tel: 425-564-8287


© Copyright DizzyBus

Mailing Address

5806 119th Ave SE #444

Bellevue, WA 98006

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